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  • akinolamarian

Reading fiction: Worthwhile or a waste of time?

For many people, reading fiction seems like mere escapism. They see reading stories as a waste of valuable time in imaginations that do not conform with reality. However, after more than a decade of indulging in reading most genres of novels, I beg to differ. 

I took the pain of listing 6 proven reasons why reading fiction is worthwhile. 

  • It hones creativity 

As a writer, I grew up reading Chimamanda, Buchi Emecheta, and Flora Nwapa. Their writing style unintentionally prompted me to hone my creativity. I still marvel at how writers can explore the English alphabet beyond what I thought was possible. For me, reading novels was and is still a form of intense learning. I learnt most of my vocabulary, history, and international culture through my compulsive fiction reading.

  • It helps you gain valuable soft skills 

Skills like self-awareness, creative problem-solving, critical thinking, empathy,  adaptiveness, flexibility, and rational judgment, to mention a few. These are skills that are really valuable in the real world. 

  • It Improves your Emotional Intelligence ( EQ)

EQ is one of the brain's core functions. While reading nonfiction could help gather information, it does little to develop the EQ.  Reading fiction creates an increased social insight and a sharper ability to understand other people’s emotions. The more you read fiction, the easier it is to empathise with people. Recent research in neuroscience indicates that reading literary fiction helps people develop empathy, theory of mind, and critical thinking. See, even science agrees. 

  • Absorb information faster

Stimulating your brain through reading may help you learn new things more easily. After years of reading fiction, I can absorb information faster. Improved attention span and concentration is also incidental to reading fiction.

  • Fiction eliminates your biases.

The practice of reading different stories strengthens your mind and helps you understand new things. It opens your mind to different experiences, cultures, settings and possibilities. It's living vicariously through the characters. Fiction helps you uncover the complexity of humanity

  • Let's face it, reading fiction is exciting

 Aside from the substantial intellectual arguments that can be made in favour of reading a good fictitious book, the excitement and range of emotions it can provide always propels me to pick up a good book. Sometimes, it's vital for the sake of relaxation. Other times, you just need to just leave your world and enter someone else’s. 

I consider reading one of my superpowers, most of all reading fiction. Fiction is said to be one of the most intimate forms of art, and I agree.

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